My friend was spit-balling ideas and worries. "No problem," I said. "You're doing a risk analysis and that's the perfect thing to do at this time." I suggested we talk about the very worst case scenario that could happen – just to get that out of the way. My friend laughed.
We realized that even if the worst happened, we could deal with it. Even thinking about the worst possible thing happening was balancing. What if these things did happen? Would we survive? (Of course!) Would the world fall apart? (Well, no.)
Doing a risk analysis in a project involves a few more steps but this is a good start. It's also a great way to get perspective on a project and deal with what could go wrong... or very right!
Doing a risk analysis in a project involves a few more steps but this is a good start. It's also a great way to get perspective on a project and deal with what could go wrong... or very right!